Thursday, October 21, 2010


As I thought would happen, I forgot about this blog...

So its been several weeks since my last post. I've been spending most of my time looking at apartments in Sydney's western suburbs. They're all starting to blur together, but hopefully my search is coming to an end soon, there are a couple of places which I'm considering.

On the weekends, I've been playing badminton with a club near where I'm staying. The people there are crazy good! There are a couple of little children doing training too. Its a little scary to see a little girl (6 or 7 if I remember correctly) hitting smashes with a racquet almost as tall as she is!

A couple weeks ago, I met up with one of my friends from primary school who lives in Sydney, and we spent most of the day at a board game cafe called Norita, great fun! We wanted to play Settlers of Cataan but it was the Korean version! xD so we ended up playing Blokus (great game) and Scrabble (first time for me). The place even had Bang! too.

And last weekend, I did some volunteer work for the Spring Cycle NSW. Mostly boring work as a Route Marshal, but it was funny to see how some people were relieved when I said: Just 7 kms to go! and some people were devastated or thought I was joking.

Anyways, the main point of this post: I might be back in Melbourne for next weekend! Have to fly back to meet my career counsellor for a review, will probs be arriving back in Melbourne on Friday (if I end up going). Friday Night Dinner anyone? :P

Monday, September 13, 2010

2nd week

So I've set up this blog...and nothing is happening atm... even work is pretty quiet today, lots of paperwork to fill in though, people who think they'd like to travel for work should try filling out the paperwork first!